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Dice created though the editor have automatically generated number textures. The settings contained in this section control that generation process. The final output of this generation is tinted (color multiply) by the “Number color” from the Colors section

Fonts and colors

The numbers panel allows you to change the font and color of the numbers that appear on the dice. If you choose to allow "Local Fonts" permissions (read about it here) you can use any font installed on your device.

This setting applies globally to all the dice in the set.

Customizing individual faces

The numbers panel also allows you to individually customize one or more faces of the die. For example, putting an image on the 20 of the d20.

Clicking on the Add custom face will add a new input to let you customize the font on that face, the color of that face, the value of that face, as well as advanced shader options.

This setting is local to each dice in the set: the image you place on the 20 of the d20 is only on the d20.

##"on the dice" vs "in the chat"??


Double check that you updated both on the dice and in the chat. It's very rare that you don't need to update both when creating a custom face

The custom face input has two fields you can use to customize the value of the dice. The input labeled on the dice changes what the text or image is that appears on the 3D model. The input labeled in the chat changes the value that shows in the dice results chat, and is also the value used for any dice math.

This allows you to put the custom image on the 20 of the d20, but still have it be a 20 for adding purposes. It also allows for full on symbolic dice as used in many games by Fantasy Flight, like Genesys and Star Wars by using an image in both the on the dice and in the chat inputs.

Advanced Number Options

There are a number of advanced options for customizing your dice numbers. Click on the Advanced link at the bottom of the panel to open them up. Each shader supports a different set of advanced options. Play around with them to see what they do.

Bump Maps

One advanced option shared by all shaders are the bump maps. Bump maps add contours to the surface of you die. Some dice have numbers painted on, some have them stamped in and some have raised numbers. The sliders labeled Indented / Raised and Sharp / Gradual allows you to control this aspect of your dice.