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dddice's Discord Activity allows players and GMs to bring their custom 3D dice with them to discord video, voice and text chats!

screenshot of discord integration

Once properly connected, a dddice roll room is embedded inside your Discord channel. Using the same interface as the roll rooms on your rolls will be visible to everyone connected without having to leave Discord!

Setting Up

  1. Click on the start activity button in a Discord channel
  2. Type "dddice" in the search box
  3. Click "Start Activity"
  4. If your Discord account is already connected to your dddice account, you will be dropped right in!
  5. If not, you will be asked to connect your account or "continue as guest"
  6. A room will be created and bound to the Discord channel
  7. ROLL

Roll Using

  • The same dddice roll interface you use on